NUMERIC C_ENGLISH ENGLISH C_AFRIKAAN AFRIKAANS C_ALBANIAN ALBANIAN C_ARABIC ARABIC C_BASQUE BASQUE C_BELARUSI BELARUSIAN C_BULGARIA BULGARIAN C_CATALAN CATALAN C_CHINES_S CHINESE__S C_CHINES_T CHINESE__T C_CROATIAN CROATIAN C_CZECH CZECH C_DANISH DANISH C_DUTCH DUTCH C_ESTONIAN ESTONIAN C_FAEROESE FAEROESE C_FINNISH FINNISH C_FRENCH FRENCH C_GERMAN GERMAN C_GREEK GREEK C_HEBREW HEBREW C_HUNGARIA HUNGARIAN C_ICELANDI ICELANDIC C_INDONESI INDONESIAN C_ITALIAN ITALIAN C_JAPANESE JAPANESE C_KOREAN KOREAN C_KOREAN_J KOREAN__JO C_LATVIAN LATVIAN C_LITHUANI LITHUANIAN C_NORWEG_B NORWEG_B C_NORWEG_N NORWEG_N C_POLISH POLISH C_PORTUGUE PORTUGUESE C_ROMANIAN ROMANIAN C_RUSSIAN RUSSIAN C_SERBIAN SERBIAN C_SLOVAK SLOVAK C_SLOVENE SLOVENE C_SPANISH SPANISH C_SPANARG SPANARG SHORTLIST C_SWAHILI SWAHILI C_SWEDISH SWEDISH C_THAI THAI C_TURKISH TURKISH C_UKRAINIA UKRAINIAN C_VIETNAME VIETNAMESE 178 an Abdomen an Abdomen 腹部 15 ab Abdominal fluid ab Abdominal fluid 腹水 23 as Abscess as Abscess 膿瘍 111 ad Abscess, abdominal ad Abscess, abdominal  腹部膿瘍 134 de Abscess, dental de Abscess, dental 膿瘍, 歯の 135 ac Abscess, perirectal ac Abscess, perirectal 膿瘍, 直腸周囲の 133 pt Abscess, peritonsillar pt Abscess, peritonsillar  扁桃周囲膿瘍 136 ak Abscess, skin ak Abscess, skin 膿瘍, 皮膚 25 am Amniotic fluid am Amniotic fluid 羊水 137 ap Appendix ap Appendix 付録 45 ar Arm ar Arm 腕 29 at Aspirate at Aspirate 吸引 30 fn Aspirate, fine-needle fn Aspirate, Fine-Needle 吸引、微細針 104 au Autopsy au Autopsy  剖検 46 ax Axilla ax Axilla 腋窩 19 bi Bile bi Bile 胆汁 35 bx Biopsy bx Biopsy 生検材料 12 bl Blood bl Blood 血液 179 bv Blood vessel bv Blood vessel 血管 61 bo Bone bo Bone 骨 62 bm Bone marrow bm Bone marrow 骨髄 37 bn Brain bn Brain 脳( 55 bt Breast bt Breast 乳房 56 mi Breast milk mi Breast milk 母乳 4 br Bronchial br Bronchial 気管支 63 ba Broncho-alveolar lavage ba Broncho-Alveolar Lavage 気管支肺胞洗浄 112 bs Burns bs Burns  熱傷 85 bu Bursa bu Bursa  嚢 91 ca Catheter ca Catheter カテーテル 123 cs Catheter site cs Catheter site 95 cc Catheter, central cc Catheter, central 中心血管カテーテル 138 ch Catheter, peripheral ch Catheter, peripheral カテーテル, 抹消の 113 cp Catheter, permanent cp Catheter, permanent  永久カテーテル 190 cu Catheter, umbilical cu Catheter, umbilical カテーテル, 臍帯の 13 sf Cerebrospinal fluid sf Cerebrospinal fluid 脳脊髄液 32 cx Cervix cx Cervix 頚 47 co Conjunctiva co Conjunctiva 間充 114 cr Cornea cr Cornea  角膜 140 cm Culture medium cm Culture medium 培地 86 cy Cyst cy Cyst  嚢胞 141 cb Cyst, Bartholin's cb Cyst, Bartholin's 嚢胞, Bartholin's 92 di Dialysis fluid di Dialysis fluid 透析液 142 dn Drain dn Drain ドレーン 17 dr Drainage dr Drainage 排液 83 du Duodenum du Duodenum  十二指腸 5 ea Ear ea Ear 耳 48 em Ear, middle em Ear, Middle 中耳 49 eo Ear, outer eo Ear, Outer 外耳 115 ee Empyema ee Empyema  蓄膿 膿胸 116 ep Empyema, pleural ep Empyema, pleural  膿胸 117 es Empyema, subdural es Empyema, subdural  硬膜下膿 143 ec Endocardium ec Endocardium 心内膜 93 en Environmental en Environmental 環境 144 ed Epididymis ed Epididymis 副睾丸 145 eg Epiglottis eg Epiglottis 喉頭蓋 146 eh Esophagus eh Esophagus 食道 6 ey Eyes ey Eyes 目 147 fa Fallopian tube fa Fallopian チューブ 50 fi Fistula fi Fistula 瘻 18 fl Fluid fl Fluid 液 97 fo Food fo Food 食物 103 ft Foot ft Foot  足 191 fd Foot, diabetic 105 fb Foreign body fb Foreign body  異物  148 fu Furuncle fu Furuncle せつ 149 gb Gallbladder gb Gallbladder 胆嚢 16 ga Gastric fluid ga Gastric fluid 胃液 51 gn Genital gn Genital 性器 53 gf Genital, female gf Genital, Female 女性性器 52 gm Genital, male gm Genital, Male 男性性器 88 gl Gland gl Gland  腺 188 gr Groin gr Groin鼠蹊部 100 hr Hair hr Hair  毛 44 ha Hand ha Hand 手 181 hd Head hd Head 頭部 38 he Heart he Heart 心臓 39 hv Heart valve hv Heart valve 心臓弁 118 hp Heart valve, prosthetic hp Heart valve, prosthetic  人工心臓弁 150 hi Hip hi Hip 股関節部 151 hf Hip fluid hf Hip fluid 股関節液 189 ig Inguinal ig Inguinal 鼠蹊部の 152 it Insect it Insect 昆虫 107 iu Intra-uterine device iu Intra-uterine device  子宮内装置 110 is Isolate is Isolate  分離菌 9 jt Joint jt Joint 関節 153 jf Joint fluid jf Joint fluid 関節液 81 ki Kidney ki Kidney  腎臓 154 kn Knee kn Knee 膝 155 kf Knee fluid kf Knee fluid 膝液 74 la Laboratory la Laboratory 検査室 156 lx Larynx lx Larynx 喉頭 183 lg Leg lg Leg 下肢 157 lp Lip lp Lip 唇 40 li Liver li Liver 肝臓 158 lo Lochia lo Lochia 悪露 14 lu Lung lu Lung 肺 87 ln Lymph node ln Lymph node  インパ節 106 mc Meconium mc Meconium  胎便 84 me Mediastinum me Mediastinum  縦隔 119 mb Mini-BAL mb Mini-BAL   7 mo Mouth mo Mouth 口 43 mu Muscle mu Muscle  筋肉 101 nl Nail nl Nail  爪 102 np Nasopharynx np Nasopharynx  鼻咽頭 184 nk Neck nk Neck 首 185 nv Nerve nv Nerve 神経 1 no Nose no Nose 鼻 31 og Organ og Organ 臓器 89 ot Other ot Other その他 159 ov Ovary ov Ovary 卵巣 120 pm Pacemaker pm Pacemaker  ペースメーカー 121 pn Pancreas pn Pancreas  膵臓  186 lv Pelvis lv Pelvis 骨盤 161 pg Penile discharge pg Penile discharge 陰茎分泌物 160 pe Penis pe Penis 陰茎 122 pd Pericardial fluid pd Pericardial fluid  心内膜浸出液 162 pi Perineum pi Perineum 会陰 54 pl Placenta pl Placenta 胎盤 163 pa Plasma pa Plasma 血漿 64 pf Pleural fluid pf Pleural fluid 胸水 164 po Prostate po Prostate 前立腺 165 pu Prostatic fluid pu Prostatic fluid 前立腺液 94 pr Prosthesis pr Prosthesis 人口装具 124 pb Prosthesis, bone pb Prosthesis, bone  人工骨 125 sh Prosthesis, shunt sh Prosthesis, shunt  人工シャント 126 pv Prosthesis, vascular pv Prosthesis, vascular  人工血管 127 pc Protected brush catheter pc Protected brush catheter 24 ps Pus ps Pus 膿 99 qc Quality control qc Quality control 精度管理 75 ex Quality control, external ex Quality control, external  外部精度管理 42 re Rectal re Rectal 直腸 166 rc Rectouterine pouch (Douglas' cul-de-sac) rc Rectouterine pouch 直腸子宮窩  73 rs Research rs Research 研究 76 rp Respiratory rp Respiratory  呼吸器 65 rl Respiratory, lower rl Respiratory, Lower 上部呼吸器 66 ru Respiratory, upper ru Respiratory, Upper 下部呼吸器 182 sv Salivary gland sv Salivary gland 唾液腺 167 tp Scotch tape test for parasites tp Scotch tape test スコッチテープ寄生虫検査 187 cd Screen for C. difficile cd Screen for C. difficile C. difficileのスクリーニング 71 mr Screen for MRSA mr Screen for MRSA MRSAの画面 72 vr Screen for VRE vr Screen for VRE VREの画面 70 sc Screening sc Screening 精査 60 se Secretion se Secretions 分泌物 57 sm Semen sm Semen 精液 168 sr Serum sr Serum 血清 169 su Shunt fluid su Shunt fluid シャント液 27 si Sinus si Sinus 瘻 8 sk Skin sk Skin 皮膚 170 sl Spleen sl Spleen 脾臓 3 sp Sputum sp Sputum 痰 171 sa Sputum for acid-fast bacilli sa Sputum for acid-fast bacilli 抗酸菌検査用痰 172 in Sputum, induced in Sputum, induced 痰, 誘導した 41 st Stool st Stool 便 173 sg String test for parasites sg String test 寄生虫のための単線試験 28 sb Swab sb Swab 綿棒 174 te Testes te Testes 試験 2 th Throat th Throat 喉 36 ti Tissue ti Tissue 組織 128 tn Tonsils tn Tonsils  扁桃 175 to Tooth to Tooth 歯 26 tr Tracheal tr Tracheal 気管の 67 ta Tracheal aspirate ta Tracheal Aspirate 気管呼吸 77 ul Ulcer ul Ulcer  潰瘍 129 ud Ulcer, decubitis ud Ulcer, Decubitis  褥瘡性潰瘍 68 ux Ulcer, external ux Ulcer, External 潰瘍内 69 ui Ulcer, internal ui Ulcer, Internal 潰瘍外 33 um Umbilical cord um Umbilical cord 帯臍 109 us Umbilicus us Umbilicus  臍 98 un Unknown un Unknown 不明 58 ue Urethra ue Urethra 尿道 11 ur Urine ur Urine 尿 78 ub Urine, bladder ub Urine, Bladder 尿, 膀胱 10 uc Urine, catheter uc Urine, Catheter カテーテル尿 59 cv Urine, clean-voided cv Urine, Clean-Voided 中間尿 108 fv Urine, first-voided fv Urine, First-voided  初尿 79 uk Urine, kidney uk Urine, Kidney  腎臓内尿 131 uo Urine, nephrostomy uo Urine, Ostomy  オストミー尿 130 uz Urine, non-catheterized uz Urine, Non-catheterized  非カテーテル尿 80 ua Urine, suprapubic aspirate ua Urine, Suprapubic  恥骨上から吸引した尿 132 uu Urine, unknown source uu Urine, Unknown source  採取方法が解らない尿 82 ut Uterus ut Uterus  子宮 34 va Vagina va Vagina 膣 96 wa Water wa Water 水 176 wo Worm wo Worm 虫 21 wd Wound wd Wound 創傷 177 wt Wound, sternal wt Wound, sternal 創傷, 胸骨の 22 sw Wound, surgical sw Wound, surgical 手術が必要な傷